MediaAu CourantThe Au Courant, LAHPERD’s newsletter, is published twice per year. Features, announcements, and other information for the Au Courant should be submitted to [email protected]. Submissions should be in plain text (unformatted .doc, .docx, or .rtf are acceptable) and free of grammatical and other language errors. Any images that accompany submissions, should be of print quality resolution (200 ppi or greater) and submitted separate from the text files. JournalThe LAHPERD Journal is published twice a year, usually the fall and spring, by the Louisiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Articles should be emailed to the editor, Dr. Dan Denson [email protected]. Articles should be submitted by January 15 to be considered for the April issue and by August 15 for the October issue. Current LAHPERD members have priority for publication space. The Manuscript Manuscripts should follow the form and style of the current edition of Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association and must be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font with standard margins. All of the authors’ names, titles, and institutions should be listed on the cover sheet. Prepare the manuscript in Microsoft Word format and attach author’s statement (see Author’s Statement below). All correspondence should be addressed to the lead author unless otherwise specified. Limit manuscripts to eight pages or about 2,500 words. Tables and Illustrations All tables and figures must be titled. Tables may be embedded in the text at the appropriate place or on separate pages. Use tables for reporting extensive statistical information. Data in tables should not be duplicated or extensively discussed in the text. Artwork (graphics, photos, etc.) should be of high resolution to ensure that pixilation or blur is avoided. Please attach artwork as a separate file. Author’s Statement The author(s) must provide a statement certifying that the article has not been published or concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. Refereed Papers Only position papers and research manuscripts that meet submission criteria will be considered for blind external review. Each paper will be submitted to three members of the LAHPERD Journal editorial board. Papers are reviewed for content and clarity. Specifically, each paper will be gleaned for 1) identification of the problem and purpose of the study, 2) description of methodology including statistical procedures used, 3) reporting of findings, 4) consistency of conclusions and findings, and 5) quality and appropriateness of references. Lead authors will be notified of the status of the manuscript. Papers may be accepted as is, accepted with minor revisions, conditionally accepted pending revisions, or rejected. Only papers that make a contribution to the profession will be accepted for publication. Documentation References should be listed at the end of the article and should be arranged in alphabetical order. Each reference cited in the article must be listed and only those cited should be included in the reference page. Follow the form and style for citing and listing references in the current edition of the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association Announcements Any announcements and last minute news items must be submitted electronically prior to layout of the journal. Contributors are advised to use Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman font format for all attachments. Avoid first person sentence structure. Be sure to title attachment for inclusion in the LAHPERD Journal. Non-Refereed Papers Program development essays, teaching methods, and related papers are welcome. Authors are encouraged to submit photographs, diagrams and tables as necessary with these papers. These papers will be reviewed by the in-house editorial staff, which consists of the managing editor and the copy editor. Some revisions may be necessary. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit these papers when necessary to maximize available space. Abstracts All completed abstracts accepted for presentation at the fall LAHPERD conference will be published in the spring issue of the LAHPERD Journal. Incomplete abstracts will be returned to the author(s) to be completed. Complete abstracts should contain: 1) problem statement, 2) purpose of the study, 3) methods, 4) major findings, and 5) conclusions. Limit abstract to 500 words. Advertisements The LAHPERD Journal has free available space for advertising of select university programs*. All advertisements should be submitted as high resolution files (see #2. Tables and Illustrations above). Professional product and service vendors are invited to advertise. Rates for vendors are: $100 per issue for full page; $50 per issue for 1/2 page; and $25 per issue for 1/ 4 page. *Free ad space is available to departments that are represented by membership in LAHPERD. |